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A review of the literature on breastfeeding and related topics, 1969 to 1998,
including articles, texts, audio-visual media, and online publications.

     by  Jimmie Lynne Avery


We introduced the Lact-Aid Nursing Trainer System to the breastfeeding products market in 1971, following three years of careful research and development. In 1973, Karen Pryor was the first author to cite Lact-Aid System in her book, Nursing Your Baby. Ever since, many authors have described or recommended it in their books, articles and teaching materials directed to parents and fellow health professionals alike.

Likewise, Lact-Aid System has caught the attention of journalists in television and radio, as well as developers of films and other audio/video media. More recently, the availability of the world wide web as a tool for accessing information has fostered even more interest. The new electronic media has proveded unprecedented opportunities for open access to information. Online articles and abstracts, and open discussions via newsgroups or bulletin boards, chats, and email lists have generated even more information about Lact-Aid System.

Why has Lact-Aid System received such acclaim? The answer is simple...it works. While other nursing supplementers have appeared from time to time, not one has been able to match the proved performance of the original. It's one thing for us to say we have an excellent, effective product, but it's something more, when others say so. The massive amount of unsolicited, free publicity it has received validates the fact that our product and the Lact-Aid name has a well earned reputation for excellence.

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Data Sources:

This Bibliography is adapted from several data sources. From our marketing data created to track how customers hear about Lact-Aid System, we learned about books, articles, and other resources. From our records of requests by authors for permission to use Lact-Aid photos we learned of new articles and texts. Some authors cited Lact-Aid System but used their own photos or illustrations, so did not submit requests. We learned about their publications from Lact-Aid customers, or simply found them in a book store! We found that many of the authors describe it in some detail and indicate the many kinds of breastfeeding situations in which its use has proved helpful. Most also index it by our Lact-Aid®brand name. Many include it in a separate resource list or appendix with a contact address for information. Most include photos or illustrations, which may be our copyrighted Lact-Aid photos or drawings, or photos made by authors or parents, or illustrations by artists. For each reference listed below, details about indexing, photos, illustrations is provided.

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Online References

Some references in this Bibliography are available online as abstracts, or as complete articles. For some, it may be possible to link to a resource where the title can be ordered, such as PUBMED and Grateful Med, services of the National Library of Medicine, NLM. We are in the process of reviewing all the titles we have currently listed, in order to provide you with links to such resources. See the Key to Symbols, below.

Key to Symbols:
= Professional Resources citing Lact-Aid System

= Parents' Resources citing Lact-Aid System
= Citation available via PUBMED or GRATEFUL MED
[ ...JLA] = JL Avery editorial note

Please let us know about references and links that should be included. We are interested in any which cite Lact-Aid System, and nursing supplementers, as well as general maternal/child health references for our Topical Bibliography Section.

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Professional Resources

These are texts and other educational or reference media, directed to physicians, nurses, nutritionists, childbirth educators, lactation consultants and other allied health practitioners. Hundreds of references to Lact-Aid System have been published in medical journal articles, professional newsletters, lectures, and audio/visual teaching materials since 1971. There are many not yet listed here. Please let us know about any references you find, which should be added. Even if the references refers to nursing supplementers in general, and not specifically by the name "Lact-Aid", we would like to know about it.

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Texts - Books directed to professionals Listed by Titles.

A Practical Guide to Breastfeeding. Jan Riordan, RN, MN. Editor. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1983. (Indexed by brand name, numerous pages, several chapters, LA photo & illus.)

Breastfeeding. A Manual for Health Professionals.Victor LaCerva, MD. Garden City, NY, Medical Examination Publishing/Excerpta Medica, 1981. (Indexed by brand name, several pages, LA photo.)

Breastfeeding Handbook, A Practical Reference for Physicians, Nurses, and Other Health Professionals. Johanna Goldfarb, MD, and Edith Tibbetts. Hillside, NJ, Enslow Publishers, 1980. (Indexed, Appendix, artist illus.)

Breastfeeding A Guide for the Medical Profession.Fourth Edition. R A Lawrence, MD. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1995. Also 1990, 1985, 1980.. (Indexed by brand name, Appendix , numerous pages, numberous chapters, LA photo, LA line illus., artist illus.)

Breast-feeding and the Mother.Ciba Foundation Symposium 45 (new series). D. B. Jelliffe, "Discussion". New York, Elsevier-Excerpta Medica, 1976. (Indexed by brand name)

Breastfeeding I: Counseling.Childbirth Ed. League of Monterey Peninsula, Inc., Carmel, CA, CELMP, 1978.

Breast-feeding in Practice.A Manual for Health Workers. Elisabet Helsing and F. Savage King. Oxford, New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1982.

Breastfeeding Promotion Manual.Tennessee Dept. of Health and Environment. Nashville, TN, TDHE, 1986. (Cited by brand name.)

Counseling the Mother on Breast-feeding.Ruth A Lawrence, MD, Chairperson/Editor. Report of the Eleventh ROSS ROUNDTABLE on Critical Approaches to Common Pediatric Problems, in Collaboration with the Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Columbus, Ross Laboratories, Div. of Abbot Laboratories, USA, 1980.

Counseling the Nursing Mother. A Reference Handbook for Health Care Providers and Lay Counselors. Judith Lauwers, Candace Woessner, and CEA of Greater Philadelphia. Wayne, New Jersey, Avery Publishing Group, 1983. (Indexed, numerous pages, LA photo.)

Current Therapy in Obstetrics.David Charles, MD., Editor. In "Lactation", Chapter. Douglas Glover, MD. Philadelphia, B.D. Decker, C.V. Mosby Company, 1988.

Essentials of Maternity Nursing., Irene M. Bobak, RN, MS, and Margaret Duncan Jensen, RN, MS., Editors. In Chap. 30, "Newborn Nutrition and Feeding." St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1984. (Indexed by brand name, several pages, artist illus.)

Family Relationships When the Infant is Premature.Kathleen Auerbach, Ph.D.. Conference Proceedings. Seattle, Parents of Prematures, Sept 1978. (Several pages.)

book_sg01.gif (13050 bytes) Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care. Gerald B. Merenstein, MD, Col., and Sandra L. Gardner, RN, MS, PNP, Editors. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 4th edition, plus 1985, 1993, 1989.. Gardner, S., Snell, BJ, & Lawrence, RA.:Chapt. 18. Breastfeeding the neonate with special needs. (Indexed by brand name, several pages, LA photo)

Human Milk. Its Biological and Social Value. Selected papers from the International Symposium on Breastfeeding, Tel-Aviv, February 24-28, 1980. S. Freier and A. I. Eidelman, Editors. Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, 1980. (Cited in several papers, LA photo).

Human Milk in the Modern World. Derrick B. Jelliffe, MD, and E. F. Patrice Jelliffe, MPH. Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press, 1978. (Indexed by brand name, several pages, LA line illus., LA photo.)

Lactation: Physiology, Nutrition, and Breast-Feeding. Margaret C. Neville and Marianne R. Neifert, Editors. New York, Plenum Press, 1983. (Indexed by brand name, numerous pages, several chapters, LA line illus.)

Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation.Bonnie S Worthington-Roberts, Ph.D., et al, Editors. Third Edition. St. Louis, Times/Mirror/Mosby College Publishing, 1985. (Indexed by brand name, several pages, LA photo.)

Promoting Breastfeeding: A Guide for Health Professionals Working in the WIC and CSF Programs. FNS-247.Food and Nutrition Service. United States Department of Agriculture. 1983. (Cited by brand name, no illus.)

Symposium on Human Lactation. Proceedings.Sponsored by March of Dimes and Georgetown University School of Medicine. Lucy Waletzky, Editor. Washington, DC, US Dept. Health, Ed. & Welfare DHEW Pub # (HAS) 79-5107, October 1976. (Cited by brand name.)

Textbook of Pediatric Nursing.D. R. Marlow, Ed. W. B. Saunders, 1985. (Cites by brand name.)

Women's Health: Volume 2. Childbearing.Lois J. Sonstegard, RN, MSN, FAAN, et al, Editors. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1983. (Indexed by brand name.)

Year Book of Pediatrics. Frank Oski, Editor. In "Lactational Reflex Recovery in Breastfeeding Failure", Carol Weichert, Ph.D.. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1981.

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Articles, lectures, chapters, and other media, Directed to professionals.
Listed by Author.

Auerbach, KG & Avery, JL: Nursing the Adopted Infant: report from a survey. Monograph No. 5. Denver, 1979, Resources in Human Nurturing, International, Inc. (Now available as Monograph # M005, from Lact-Aid International, Inc.)

Avery, JL: Relactation and induced lactation, Chapter 13, in Riordan J: A Practical Guide to Breastfeeding. St. Louis, 1984, CV Mosby Co.

Avery, JL: Unpublished Data from Lact-Aid International, Inc. client files, 1969 to 1998.

Bolane, J., Ed.: Breastfeeding. A Teaching Chart Manual and Companion Slide Set. Waco, TX, Childbirth Graphics Div. WRS Group, 1992. (Artist's Illus. LA System selected as representative of supplementers.)

Bose, Carl, et al: "Relactation by Mothers of Sick and Premature Infants," Pediatrics, 67:565, 1981. (Cites by brand name.) PMID6789296

Canales, E.S., et al.: "Feasibility of Suppressing and Initiating Lactation in Women with Premature Infants," American J. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 128:695, 1977. (Cites by brand name.)

Frantz, K., et al: "Management of the Slow-Gaining Breastfed Baby," Keeping Abreast Journal. 3(4):287-308, 1978. (LA photo and cites by brand name.)

Helderman, Pam, Ed.: "Essential Equipment: Nursing Supplementers - Lact-Aid Nursing Trainer System," LC Loose Connections Newsletter. 1(4):22-23, July 1986. (LA Photo, cited by brand name.)

Hormann E: Breastfeeding the adopted baby, in Birth & the Family Journal. Volume 4:p165, 1977.

Kleinman R, et al: Protein values of milk samples from mothers without biologic pregnancies, in Journal of Pediatrics. Vol. 97: p 612, 1980.

Kovarik, : Nursing the Adopted Baby with commentary, Putting Research into Practice, by J.L. Avery. Available from the Bookstore of Adoption Travel Web


Marmet, Chele, and Shell, Ellen. "Training Neonates to Suck Correctly," MCN. 10:401-47, Nov/Dec 1984. (Cites by brand name.)

McGregor JA: Lactation: Physiology, Nutrition, and Breast-Feeding. New York, 1983, Plenum Press.

Melnikow, Joy, and Bedinghaus, Joan M: "Management of Common Breast-feeding Problems." The Journal of Family Practice. July, 1994. (LA Photo & cited by brand name.)

Neifert, Marianne: "Lactation Failure Due to Insufficient Glandular Development of the Breast," Pediatrics. 76:823-28, 1985. (Cites by brand name.)

Neifert, M.: "Medical Management of Breastfeeding," Keeping Abreast Journal. 3 (4):274-282, 1978. (LA Photo, cites by brand name.)

Seema, AK, et al: "Relactation: an effective intervention to promote exclusive breastfeeding," J Trop Pediatrics, Aug 1997, 43(4):213-216. (Cites by brand name.)
Online source: http://www.oup.co.uk/tropej/hdb/Volume_43/Issue_04/430213.sgm.abs.html
[ This authors of this study of 50 women conclude that relactation is possible WITHOUT the use of lactagogues....JLA]

Stewart, and Geiser: "Supporting Lactation When Mothers and Infants are Separated," Nursing Clinics of North America. 13 (1):4761, Mar 1978. (Cited by brand name, LA photo)

Waletzky, Lucy, and Herman, Esther: "Relactation," American Family Physician. 14:69, 1976. (Cites by brand name.)

Weichert, Carol: "Lactational Reflex Recovery in Breastfeeding Failure," Pediatrics. May, 1979, p. 100. (Cites by brand name.)

....and more! Let us know about titles you find!


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 Buyer Indexes listing Lact-Aid System:
These are directories and indexes used by hospitals, clinics, pharmacies & health professionals to locate products they wish to purchase for distribution to their patients or clients.

EPIC Plus. Catalog of health medical products, available on disk or CD ROM to subscribers. Langhorne, PA, Medical Data Institute, @ 1990 to 1995. (Indexed by Brand Name, shows current retail & wholesale product info. Updated bi-monthly.)

Health Care Systems Directory. Complete Guide to Health Care Products, Systems & Services. New York, Health Care Systems, 1988-1995. (Indexed by brand name.)

Neonatal Intensive Care Directory of Products & Services. Santa Monica, CA, Neonatal Intensive Care, 1992-93. (Listed generic & by company name Lact-Aid.)

....and more! Let us know about indexes you discover!


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Parents' Resources:

Books and articles in consumer oriented magazines, news, or other media, directed to adopting, expectant and new parents, which cite, describe, or illustrate Lact-Aid Nursing Trainer System.

Books for parents

  A Practical Guide to Breastfeeding.Amy Kathryn Spangler, BSN, MN. 1985 and 1987. (Cited by brand name, artist illus.)

Baby Sense. A Practical and Supportive Guide to Baby Care.Frances Wells Burck. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1979. (Cited by brand name.)

Bestfeeding: Getting Breastfeeding Right for You. Mary Renfrew, et al. Berkeley, CA, Celestial Arts, 1990. (Cited by brand name, indexed.)
  Breast is Best. A Commonsense Approach to Breastfeeding.Doctors Penny and Andrew Stanway. Wauwatosa, WI, American Baby Books, 1978. (Indexed by brand name, several pages, artist illus.)

Breastfeeding. Janice Presser and Gail Sforza Brewer. New York, Alfred a. Knopf, 1983. (Indexed by brand name, )

Breastfeeding...A Heartstart.Ilene S. Rice, RN, BSN, PhN, IBCLC. New York, Dell Publishing C.o., 1982 and 1987. (Indexed by complete brand name, several pages.)

Breastfeeding Secrets & Solutions.Janis Graham. New York, Pocket Books, 1993. (Lact-Aid company name & address referenced.)
  Breastfeeding Source Book. Where to Get What You Need to Breastfeed Successfully.Marilyn Grams, MD. Sheridan, Wyoming, Achievement Press, 1988. (Cited by complete brand name, several pages, LA photo.)

Breastfeeding Today.Judith Lauwers, et al. _______, 1991.(Cited by brand name, listed in resources.)

Breast-Feeding Your Baby. Second Edition. Marsha Walker and Jeanne W. Driscoll. Wayne, NJ, Avery Publishing Group, 1981, 1978. (LA Photo. Cited by name & as resource.)

Breastfeeding Your Baby. A Guide for the Contemporary Family. Carl Jones. New York, Oxford, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, Collier Books, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993. (Artist’s illustration depicts LA System.)

Breastfeeding Your Baby. A Practical Guide for the New Mother. Deborah Colgan, et al. Editors. For the Nursing Mothers’ Council of the Boston Association for Childbirth Education. Garden City Park, NY, Avery Publishing Group, Inc. (LA Photo, several references by brand name.)

Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby. Deborah S. Peterson.
San Antonio, Texas, Corona Publishing Co., 1994.
(Cited by Brand name, LA photo.)
  Breasts. Women Speak About Their Breasts and Their Lives.Ayalah and Weinstock. New York, Summit Books, of Simon and Schuster, 1979. (Cited by name.)

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child. Birth to age 5. Child Care Books from The American Academy of Pediatrics. Steven P. Shelov, MD, Editor. New York, Bantam Books, 1991. ( Indexed by brand name Nursing TrainerTM , Several pages,artist illus.)

Child of Mine: Feeding With Love and Good Sense.Ellen Satter. Menlo Park, CA, Bull Publishing, 1983. (Cited by name.)

Child Magazine’s Guide to Baby Products.1994 Edition. Freddi Greenberg, et al, Editors. New York, Child Magazine/NYT Women’s Magazines, 1994. (Cited by brand name.)

Christian Parenting and Child Care. William Sears, MD. Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1985. (Indexed by brand name, several pages.)

Creative Parenting.William Sears, Md. New York, Everest House, 1982.

bookwestbfar.jpg (12001 bytes) Defining Your Own Success. Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery. Diana West, Schaumburg, IL., La Leche League International, Inc. 2001. (indexed by brand name, several pages.)
  Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book.Susan M Love, MD New York, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1995, 1991, 1990. ( Indexed and cited by brand name, artist’s illus., in all editions.)

Food for Thought. Maureen K. Minchin. Revised Edition. Alfredton, Victoria, Alma Publications, 1983. (Indexed by brand name.)

Good Things for Babies.Sandy Jones. Second Edition. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1980. (Indexed by brand name, LA illus.)

Having Twins. A Parent’s Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood.Second Edition. Elizabeth Noble, et al. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1991. (Cited by brand name.)

How to Stay Out of the Gynecologist’s Office.Carol Downer, et al. Culver City, CA, Peace Press, 1981.

Kangaroo Care. The best you can do to help your preterm infant.
Susan M. Ludigton-Hoe and Susan K Golant. New York, Bantam Books, 1993.
(Cites by brand name.)
  Mothers Today Sourcebook. Janet Spencer King, Editor. New York, Boyd and McGinnity, Subsidiary of Mothers' Manual, Inc., 1985. Vol. 2, Number 1.

No Nonsense Nutrition for Your Baby’s First Year.Heslin, Natow and Raven. CBI, 1979. Bantam Edition, 1980.

Nourishing Your Child. Pregnancy and Infancy.Joanne Faust Friedman, MA, RD. New Jersey, Nourishing Your Child, (LA photo.)

Nursing Your Adopted Baby, Publication #55. . Kathryn Anderson. Franklin Park, Illinois, La Leche League, 1983. (Many pages, La illus.)

Nursing Your Adopted Baby, Publication #55., Revised Edition. Kathryn Anderson. Franklin Park, IL, La Leche League International, 1986. (Cited by brand name.)

Nursing Your Baby.Karen Pryor. New Revised Edition. New York, Pocket Books, 1963 and 1973. (Several pages, indexed by brand name.)

  Nutrition Information Service Directory. Nutrition Information Service. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ryerson Polytechnical Institute., 1981.

Parents Book of Breast Feeding.Susan Flamholtz Trien. New York, Ballantine Books, Div. of Random House, 1983. (Several pages, indexed by brand name.)

Parents for Private Adoption Newsletter."Resources for support and information", and "What to have ready when your baby arrives". Dawn Smith-Pliner, Editor. Pawlet, Vt. Fall, 1985, Vol. 3, No. 1. (Cited in numerous issues of newsletter.)

Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn. A complete guide for expectant parents.Penny Simkin, RPT, Janet Whalley, RN, BSN, and Ann Keppler, RN, MN, of CEA of Seattle. New York, Meadowbrook Press, 1979, 1984.

Premature Babies. A Handbook for parents. Sherri Nance. New York, Arbor House Publishing, 1982. (Several pages, indexed by brand name, artist's photo.)

Premature Babies: A Handbook.Sherri Nance. New York, Priam Books, 1982. (Cites by name.)

Raising Adopted Children. A manual for adoptive parents.Lois Ruskai Melina. New York, Harper and Row, 1986. ( Several pages.)
  Relactation: A Guide to Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby. Elizabeth Hormann. Mass., E. Hormann, 1971. (Several pages.)

Right from the Start. Meeting the challenges of mothering your unborn and newborn baby. Gail Sforza Brewer, and Janice Presser Greene. Emmaus, Pa., Rodale Press, 1981. (Indexed by brand name, many pages, LA photo.)

Successful Breast Feeding.Virginia Phillips. Hawthorn, Australia, Nursing Mothers Association of Australia, 1976. (Several pages.)

Successful Breastfeeding. A practical guide for nursing mothers. Nancy Dana and Anne Price. Deephaven, MN, Meadowbrook Press, 1985. (Many pages, indexed by complete brand name.)

The Adoption Resource Book.Lois Gilman.
New York, Harper and Row, 1984.
(Cited by brand name.)
  The Breastfeeding Book.Maire Messenger, , London, Frances Watson Ltd.,1991, (Also prior Edition: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.1982.) (Indexed by brand name, many pages, artist photo.)

The Breastfeeding Guide for the Working Woman.Anne Price and Nancy Bamford. New York, Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1983. ( indexed by brand name, many pages.)

The Complete Baby Book.By the Editors of Consumer Guide. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1979. ( indexed by brand name, several pages..)

The Complete Book of Breastfeeding.
Marvin Eiger, MD, and Sally Wendkos Olds.
New York, Workman Publishing, 1972,
(Indexed by brand name, several pages.)
The Complete Book of Breastfeeding, Totally Revised. Marvin Eiger, MD, and Sally Wendkos Olds. New York, Workman Publishing, 1990. (Several pages, indexed by brand name, artist illus.)
  The Experience of Breastfeeding. New updated edition. Sheila Kitzinger. New York, Viking Penguin, 1987. (Several pages, indexed by brand name.)
The Nursing Mother's Companion. Kathleen Huggins. Boston, Harvard Common Press, 1986. (Many pages, indexed, appendix, artist's illus.)
The Premature Baby Book. A parents' guide to coping and caring in the first years. Helen Harrison. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1983. (Many pages, indexed by brand name, artist's illus.)
  The Premie Parents' Handbook. A lifeline for the new parents of a premature baby. Adrienne B. Lieberman, ad Thomas G. Sheagre, MD. New York, E.P. Dutton, 1984. (indexed by brand name.)

The Rodale Book of Pregnancy and Birth. Nicola McClure and Jovanka Bach. Emmaus, PA, Rodale Press, 1986. (Indexed and cited by brand name, artist’s illus.)

The Source Book.A catalog of child care products. New York, The Sourcebook, 1989. (Indexed by brand name.)

The Tender Gift...Breastfeeding.Dana Raphael. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1973. (LA photo.)

The Whole Birth Catalog. A sourcebook for choices in childbirth. Janet Isaacs Ashford. New York, The Crossing Press, 1983. ( Cited by brand name, LA Photo.)

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. Third Edition, revised, July 1981. La Leche League International. Franklin Park, Illinois, La Leche League, 1981. (Several pages, indexed by brand name.)

  You Can Breastfeed Your Baby...even in special situations.Dorothy Patricia Brewster. Emmaus, Pa, Rodale Press, 1979. (Many pages, indexed by brand name.)

Medical Self Care."Nursing Supplementer". Summer, 1985, Number 29,


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Audio visual media and instructional materials, including WWW, television, radio, film and slide presentations on birth, breastfeeding and related maternal, child and family health issues...

Breastfeeding and Bonding with Adopted Infants. National broadcast by star of Barney Miller TV Program. 1982. Public Service Announcement. (Cited by name.)

Breastfeeding, Children’s Nutrition and Allergies". . Dr. Lendon Smith. PHIL DONAHUE SHOW. (several presentations) 1979 1982.

Breastfeeding Documentary, Interview with Dr. Paul Fleiss, MD. Geraldo Rivera. TWENTY-TWENTY. Jan 29, 1981. (Demonstrated and cited by name.)

Breastfeeding. Sylvia Morgan. TODAY'S WOMAN. KWGN TV, Denver., Jan 1977.

Ingenious Breastfeeding Aid. Dr. Bob Arnot. CBS MORNING NEWS.

The Premature Infant. Continuing Education. Film. University of Colorado School of Medicine.

and more....tell us about any you have discovered!

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To Submit References: There are many references we do not yet have listed. Let us know about any references you discover! Tell us about articles, books, audio/video media, lectures, workshop presentations, TV, radio, text, chats, www links and other cyber media. Please provide as much information as possible, along with an email or mail address, phone, or fax number where we can reach you if we have a question. You can contact us by phone, fax, mail, or email.

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Topical Bibliography - [ ...JLA] = JL Avery Editorial Note.
These are general maternal/child health and parenting references organized by topics. These references do not necessarily mention Lact-Aid System, but pertain to information presented in our publications or our website, or in response to FAQs submitted on adoption, fertility, breastfeeding, milk composition, family planning, breast development, prematurity, suckling physiology, and other subjects that have some relationship to breastfeeding. Where available, selected references may also include an abstract, or an editorial note by JL Avery contained in brackets, i.e., [ Editorial note ital....JLA] .
We welcome your comments, suggestions, corrections, additions.


Zigler, J: A Review of ECS.: Mother to Child Transmission of HIV-1, HIV Journal Club, 1(1)July 1992.(online pub.)

Breast surgery

Harris L; Morris SF; Freiberg A: Plast Reconstr Surg, 89: 5, , 836-9 May, 1992.
Abstract: The authors studied breast feeding in women who had inferiorly based pedicle reduction mammaplasty. Seventy-three patients were contacted and sent a standardized questionnaire. Twenty patients of the 68 who responded had become pregnant after reduction mammaplasty. All 20 women lactated. Seven of these women (35 percent) went on to a breast-feed successfully. Thirteen (65 percent) decided not to breast-feed or discontinued breast feeding for personal reasons.

Hurst NM: Obstet Gynecol, 87: 1, 1996 Jan, 30-4.
Abstract: In this retrospective study the association between breast augmentation and lactation outcome in the two groups was studied. They found a greater incidence of lactation insufficiency in augmented women when compared with nonaugmented women . Specifically, it was the periareolar approach that was most significantly associated with lactation insufficiency

Widdice, L.: The effects of Breast Reduction and Breast Augmentation Surgery on Lactation: An Annotated Bibliography. J Human Lactation, 9(3,) 161-167, 1993.

Drugs during lactation

Bowes WA, Jr: HRT issues for adoptive nursing women. Personal communications 1979 (while serving as Editorial Advisor for Keeping Abreast Journal of Human Nurturing.)


Ryan, Alan S., PhD.: The resurgence of breast feeding in the United States, in Pediatrics. 99(4), April 1997. Electronic pages, URL: http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/99/4/e12

Lactation, induced, and relactation

Auerbach, K and Avery, JL. Induced lactation: a study of adoptive nursing by 240 women, Am J Dis Child, 1981, 135:240-243.

Jelliffe, DB. and Jelliffe, EFP. Non-Puerperal Induced Lactation, Pediatrics, 1972, 50:170-171.

Kleinman, R. et al. Protein Values of Milk Samples from Mothers without Biological Pregnancies. Journal of Pediatrics, 1980, 97:612-615.

Nemba, K. Induced Lactation: A Study of 37 Non-puerperal Mothers, J Trop Pediatrics, 1994, 40:240-242

Sutherland,A. and Auerbach,K. Relactation and Induced Lactation, Lactation Consultant Series (Unit 1), 1985, La Leche League International.

Lactation, insufficient

Thullen, JD: Management of hypernatremic dehydation due to insufficient lactation. Clin Pediat, 27(8):370-372, 1988. [This is a case report of successful relactation using a nursing supplementer. Infant = critical malnutrition and dehydration . Mother = insufficient lactation and high sodium content of breast milk JLA.].

Willis, C. & Livingstone, V. (1995). Insufficient Milk Syndrome Associated with Maternal Postpartum Hemorrhage. Journal of Human Lactation, 11(2), 123-126.

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Author: This Bibliography has been compiled by Jimmie Lynne Avery from ongoing reviews of literature from 1968 to 1998. Topics investigated include adoption, anthropology, birth, breast cancer, breast development, breastfeeding, child development, family planning, fertility, history, lactation, maternal health, neonatology, nutrition, parenting, pediatrics, pregnancy, psychology, sociology and allied topics.

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Copyright, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Jimmie Lynne Avery. All rights reserved. This publication may not be modified nor altered in any way, nor reproduced in whole, nor any part, by any means, photographic, electronic or otherwise, without the express permission of the author. Permission is given to print out individual copies for personal use, or for FREE distribution for educational purposes only, so long as no content is altered, added, or omitted.

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Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to provide or substitute for medical advice in any way. Anyone with questions about health matters should discuss it with their physician.

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