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Know that I feel immensley blessed. I was born because of love. The health challenges I have faced in my life have made me a strong woman, appreciative of the glory of this life and our world. My life has been an extraordinary, wonderful adventure that I know will continue somehow.

Do not grieve for me, for I will not be gone... just alive in a different way, loving in a different way. Read my poem "Unclad", and you will know that I will always be with all of you, loving you, watching over you all. God bless you and keep you safe.
Be good to one another. Live, love, rejoice in all that you have.


Unclad I was born
and unclad
shall my soul
move forward,
long after
my body is gone.

And I shall watch over
those I love,
with soft caresses
and whispers,
remind them
of my love.

When a cooling breeze
gently brushes
their brow,
or softly lifts
a curl of hair,

Each will know
tis I, visiting
there awhile
watching over
with a loving smile.

For unclad,
free of flesh
and bone,
I can be more fully
with those I love,
I'll not be gone.

For the firmament
and all the Heavens
shall be my cloak,
my palette and pen
whereby I can reveal
the depth and breadth
of love that has no end.

Jimmie Lynne Avery
November 15, 1999